Inside Fordham Online is proud to highlight faculty and staff who have recently
provided commentary in the news media. Congratulations for bringing the University
to the attention of a broad audience.
William Baker, Ph.D., Claudio Acquaviva S.J. Chair and
Journalist in Residence, GSE,
“Did Poor Management Fail Wall Street?” BBC News, December 9
Charles Camosy, Ph.D., assistant professor of
Christian Ethics, A&S,
“Vatican Issues New Document on Biotechnology,”
National Catholic Reporter, December 12
James Cohen, associate professor of law, LAW,
“Bus Driver’s Family: Suspect Should’ve Been Jailed,”
WCBS-TV (N.Y.), December 3
“Plaxico Burress,” WFAN-AM (N.Y.), December 2
“Remains Could Bolster Case Against Casey Anthony,”
The Associated Press, December 12
Deborah Denno, Ph.D., Arthur A. McGivney Professor of Law, LAW,
“Death Row Executions Drop to 14-year Low,” USA Today,
December 11
Albert Greco, Ed.D., professor of communications and media
management, BUS,
“Thomas Nelson Eliminates 55 Jobs,” The Tennessean, December 3
Ron Jacobson, Ph.D., executive director of academic programs,
Fordham Westchester, ADM,
“People & Places,” The Advocate, Stamford, Conn., December 9
Rachael Kammer, Ph.D., assistant professor of social work, GSS,
“Anxious Wait on Financing of Day Care for 800 Children,”
The New York Times, December 5
Stuart Lipper, Ph.D., associate dean of academic programs at
the Graduate School of Business Administration, BUS,
“MBA Programs Eye Expansion,” BusinessWeek, December 7
Russell Pearce, Edward & Marilyn Bellet Chair in Legal Ethics,
Morality, and Religion, LAW,
Rekindling Passion for the Law in NC Bar Live Program,”
Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, December issue
Martha Rayner, clinical associate professor of law, LAW,
“Executing Accused Terrorists May Be Left to Obama,”
Bloomberg News, December 10
Frank Sirianni, Ph.D., vice president and chief information officer,
Fordham IT, ADM,
“IT Leaders who Shatter the Mold,” Computerworld,
December issue
William M. Treanor, Paul Fuller Professor of Law and
dean of Fordham School of Law, LAW,
“Cornell Tops in N.Y. Bar Exam Pass Rate; State Average Hits High,”
National Law Journal, December 5
Benjamin Zipurski, professor of law, LAW,
“Justices Look Anew at Case in Which Oregon Court Has Twice
Rebuffed Them,” The New York Times, December 4