Joel Reidenberg, Ph.D., will assume the newly created position of associate vice president for academic affairs and associate chief academic officer. Photo by Chris Taggart
Joel Reidenberg, Ph.D., will assume the newly created position of associate vice president for academic affairs and associate chief academic officer.
Photo by Chris Taggart

Joel Reidenberg, Ph.D., has been appointed associate vice president for academic affairs and associate chief academic officer at Fordham University.

Reidenberg, a professor of law at Fordham Law School and the founder of the Center on Law and Information Policy, has long been a familiar presence in the University community, as president of the Faculty Senate, former chair of the University Faculty Committee on Technology, two-term member of the University Research Council, director of the Law School’s graduate program, and a faculty member for 18 years.

Reidenberg holds an A.B. from Dartmouth, a J.D. from Columbia, and earned a Ph.D. in law from the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). His scholarship on data privacy issues and on Internet regulation has been published in the United States and abroad in both English and French. Reidenberg has taught as a visiting professor at the Université de Paris I (Panthéon–Sorbonne), the Université de Paris V (René Descartes), the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, and was as a visiting professor at AT&T Laboratories-Public Policy Research. He has also testified as an academic expert before the U.S. Congress and has served as an expert adviser to the Federal Trade Commission and the European Commission.

“I am delighted that Dr. Reidenberg has accepted this new position in academic affairs,” said Stephen Freedman, Ph.D., senior vice president/chief academic officer at Fordham. “He brings a distinguished record of academic scholarship and teaching, excellent organizational ability and communication skills, and a broad institutional perspective to our work.”

In his new role, which he assumes on July 1, Reidenberg will work with the administrative leadership, deans, academic units and faculty to support and strengthen academic policy planning, budgeting and implementation and to advance innovative ways of pursuing the strategic initiatives of the University in cost effective ways.

“There are so many areas of distinction at Fordham and one thing I see as critical in my new role is to assure that we advance the University’s excellence and educational mission in the most responsive and cohesive ways,” he said.

As part of the transition, Reidenberg, who joined the Law School in 1990, will leave his seat on the Faculty Senate. While he will also no longer have regular faculty duties at the law school, he will continue to teach one class a year, and will maintain a research agenda revolving around information law and policy through the Center on Law and Information Policy.

“Teaching and scholarship are central to the University and I think it is important for me to remain engaged in these activities to stay current as a senior academic administrator,” Reidenberg said.

William Michael Treanor, dean of Fordham Law, called Reidenberg an academic visionary for his scholarship in information law and in establishing the Center on Law and Information Policy.

“He was a brilliant administrator who worked tirelessly and with great success to expand Fordham Law’s global presence,” Treanor said. “While I am sad that he will be spending less time at the Law School, I am delighted he is taking on this vitally important new role.”


Patrick Verel is a news producer for Fordham Now. He can be reached at [email protected] or (212) 636-7790.