Dear Members of the Campus Community:

Here are this week’s five things you need to know about Fordham’s COVID-19 precautions, vaccinations, and University operations (You can read the State of New York’s most recent COVID-19 guidelines on its Novel Coronavirus page):

  • In the last 14 days, 10 members of the University community tested positive for COVID-19, a positivity rate of 12.2% of 82 tests administered, as listed on the University dashboard. Testing currently is primarily for symptomatic individuals or those who have been in contact with a COVID-positive person.
  • Unvaccinated individuals have a much greater chance of dying from COVID-19 than do vaccinated persons:

For more information, please see the COVID-19 Guidelines on the web.  Every issue of Five Things is archived here on our news site.

Marco Valera
Vice President for Administration & COVID-19 Coordinator
