Dear Members of the Campus Community:

Here are this week’s five things you need to know about Fordham’s COVID-19 precautions, vaccinations, and University operations.

All members of the University community are required to wear a mask indoors at all times when on campus. Please see the COVID-19 Guidelines on the web for detailed information: Every issue of Five Things is archived here on our news site:

  • In the last 14 days, 21 members of the University community tested positive for COVID-19, as listed on the University dashboard. (We are no longer reporting the positivity rate: the University is only testing individuals who are symptomatic or who believe they were exposed to COVID-19, rendering positivity rates inaccurate.)
  • Testing for students who are symptomatic or have been exposed is available 7 days per week. Students should call University Health Services—at (718) 817-4160 at Rose Hill, or (212) 636-7160 at Lincoln Center—to alert them, and get directions on when and where to go for testing. (In most situations, students are reimbursed for the $35 test fee by their health insurance provider.)
  • Testing is offered once a week on campus for all members of the University community who have approved religious or medical accommodations (exemptions).
  • Testing for symptomatic or exposed employees is not available on campus, but should be free or billed to insurance from an off-campus testing site.
  • In most situations, someone who is vaccinated and a close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 is not required to quarantine, and should test 3-5 days after that exposure (testing sooner than that may not be accurate). Unvaccinated individuals are required to quarantine for 10 days and cannot “test out” of quarantine.
  • Faculty are urged to keep seating charts to facilitate contact tracing should a member of their class test positive for COVID-19.
  • If VitalCheck requires a test in order for either a student or employee to be cleared, VitalCheck can mail the individual a test which would be billed to insurance.

Marco Valera
Vice President for Administration & COVID-19 Coordinator
