Five Fordham University faculty members have been awarded National Jesuit Book Awards, Alpha Sigma Nu and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities announced on Monday, Oct. 1.
Receiving the awards from the national Jesuit honor society were Robin Andersen, Ph.D., professor of communication and media studies, for A Century of Media, A Century of War (Peter Lang, 2006); Jane Bolgatz, Ph.D., assistant professor of social studies education, for Talking Race in the Classroom (Teachers College Press, 2005); and Al Greco, Ed.D., professor of marketing, Robert M. Wharton , Ph.D., area chair of management systems, and Clara E. Rodríguez, professor of sociology, for The Culture and Commerce of Publishing in the 21st Century (Stanford Business Books, 2007).

Alpha Sigma Nu awards four book prizes each year in a specific category in a range of disciplines from the humanities to science. The awards are co-sponsored by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. The category for the 2007 awards was professional studies, which encompasses everything from business to law. There were 60 entries this year from 16 Jesuit colleges and universities. The award carries a $1,000 prize.
The book awards are open to all faculty and administrators who have published a book in the past three years. The books are judged by scholars on the basis of scholarship, significance of topic to professors across several disciplines, authority in interpretation, objectivity, presentation and style.