When it comes to opportunities to help the world’s most vulnerable populations, the field of humanitarian action is full of possibilities. Workers in the field can make a tangible difference in areas ranging from disaster relief and refugee assistance to long-term development projects.

What is a Humanitarian?

During and in the aftermath of man-made crises and disasters, humanitarian workers step in to ensure that the basic needs of the people affected are met and their human dignity is maintained. Humanitarians also undertake work to prevent, prepare for, and mitigate the impact of disasters.

The field is marked by a dedication to four principles embraced by the United Nations. Humanity, which says that humanitarians are motivated by a desire to save lives and alleviate suffering while upholding people’s dignity; impartiality, which stipulates that action should be based solely on need, regardless of race, nationality, gender, religious belief, political opinion, or class; neutrality, which forbids the taking of sides in wars and other conflicts; and independence, which requires workers to be autonomous, and free from control or influence by non-humanitarian objectives.

Humanitarian Careers

Humanitarian careers cover a range of positions, with some professionals responding to man-made catastrophes and complex emergencies such as conflicts, environmental disasters, and economic instability, and others addressing natural disasters such as floods, famines, and droughts, all of which have been exacerbated by climate change. 

These professionals can work for multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, non-governmental organizations such as the Jesuit Relief Services or Amnesty International, and international organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross.

At Fordham, several degree programs prepare students for humanitarian careers. The Institute for International Humanitarian Affairs (IIHA) offers both undergraduate and graduate-level degrees, including a certificate specially tailored for mid-career professionals. The Department of International Political Economy and Development (IPED) offers degrees that explore global economic relations and international development from multiple perspectives. And the Graduate School of Social Service (GSS) prepares students to promote social justice and improve the lives of marginalized populations at home and abroad. 

The following are examples of some of the positions available to humanitarian professionals, matched with some Fordham graduates working in the field.

Business Development

Humanitarian careers in business development include positions in program planning and conception, as well as fundraising for aid organizations.

Humanitarian Assistance Officer

Conducts rapid assessments to identify the most critical needs of populations in crisis, including food, water, shelter, health care, and security; coordinates between stakeholders; and advocates for the needs of affected populations.

Making an Impact: Many graduates of Fordham’s IPED and IIHA programs have held this position, including Hannah Fort, IPED ’20, at USAID.

Grants Specialist

Helps individuals, groups, and organizations identify and secure funding for projects, typically through grants distributed by foundations and government agencies.

Making an Impact: Brittany Hilyer, IIHA ’18, at the Center for International Environmental Law

Development Officer

Researches, prospects, cultivates and manages relationships with donors and raises funds for non-governmental organizations. Responsible for ensuring the organization has the funding necessary to carry out its mission.

Making an Impact: Paul Michael, IPED ’20, at Partners in Health

Communications Officer

Conveys an organization’s message and mission through newsletters, email campaigns, interviews, and social media campaigns. 

Making an Impact: Joseph Lowry, IIHA ’04, at the International Organization for Migration

Volunteer Coordinator 

Recruits and places prospective volunteers in both meaningful single-day opportunities and longer-term ones where volunteers share their professional or language skills. Works with community stakeholders to support the betterment spaces through recruitment, panels, fairs, campaigns, workgroups, and networking events. 

Making an Impact: Michela Fahy, IIHA ’23, at Catholic Charities


People in these positions are responsible for implementing programs in countries affected by humanitarian crises.


An appointed government official who works to restore peace while also dealing with issues of trade, economics, human rights, and more.

Making an Impact: Martine van der Does, IIHA ’08, ’17, the IIHA’s Helen Hamlyn Humanitarian Fellow & Global Program Director. Previously, she served as a diplomat in Afghanistan and Jordan for the Netherlands Foreign Service. 

Foreign Aid Worker

Provides general aid to an afflicted community or area. A catch-all title used to describe disaster response workers working outside of their home countries, they are similar to humanitarian assistance officers. Duties can also include conducting surveys and research to identify critical needs in a community, such as access to healthcare, education, clean water, and food.

Making an Impact: Naomi Gikonyo, IIHA ’09 ’17, an emergency officer at the United Nations World Food Programme


Deploys to areas to conduct a rapid assessment of current or potential disease outbreaks. These professionals determine the cause of the disease, who is at risk, and how to stop or limit the spread of infection. 

Making an Impact: Emily Faherty, IPED ’12, at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Social Worker

Provides assistance and support to victims, especially those who are at risk or most vulnerable. This can include emotional support and coping mechanisms for people experiencing trauma or distress, as well as advocating for policies that support the recovery process.

Making an Impact: Erica Vargas, GSS ’23, working with asylum seekers at Goddard Riverside Community Center


Delivers babies, helps pregnant women, and provides support after childbirth, often acting as a frontline provider in communities with limited access to healthcare facilities. May also educate and train others on best midwife practices.

Making an Impact: Synclaire Warren, current IIHA student, a certified doula, and human rights writer who is currently at the American Business Immigration Coalition.

Security Technical Advisor

Manages country-wide safety and security of humanitarian programs. Often tasked with assessing how to access vulnerable communities as well as risk management of emergency humanitarian employees. 

Making an Impact: Samantha Slattery, IIHA ’20, working in Yemen as an access and security coordinator for Solidarites International. 

Technical Advisers

Some aspects of humanitarian relief require knowledge in specialized areas.

Climate Resilience Global Practice Lead

Leads a team supporting technical advisors and country programs in designing and implementing climate resilience programming in humanitarian contexts, integrating climate and environment standards into programming, and conducting research and developing innovative solutions to increase climate resilience in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Making an Impact: Tara Clerkin, IPED ’13, at the International Rescue Committee

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Officer

Responsible for the design, implementation, and technical quality of all monitoring and evaluation activities across an organization’s projects.

Making an Impact: Aya Kurdi, IIHA ’24, at the UN World Food Programme

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Program Manager 

Involved in programs, coordination of disaster response efforts, and pre-planning efforts in areas involving water, sanitation, and hygiene. 

Making an Impact: Owen Fitzgerald, IPED ’18, at Catholic Relief Services

Gender Integration Technical Advisor

Provides technical support for gender equality and social inclusion via short-term contracts to government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other public/private institutions.

Making an Impact: Laura Groggel, IPED ’14, at USAID

Additional Resources

Interested in learning more? Check out these guides:

Human Rights Careers: How to Become an International Aid Worker

United Nations: Humanitarian Agencies that Operate in the Field

UNICEF: Working in Humanitarian Emergencies


Patrick Verel is a news producer for Fordham Now. He can be reached at Verel@fordham.edu or (212) 636-7790.