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Family Webinar Series: Virtual Chat with CPS—Handling Finals Stress

Thursday, May 6, 2021, 67 p.m.


The end of the semester brings with it various emotions and feelings, some positive and some negative. Stress and anxiety caused by final exams, projects, and papers affect our students each semester, and more so now given the additional strains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As we at Fordham are committed to cura personalis, we continuously strive to prioritize students’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being during these stressful times of the academic year—and always.

Please join my colleagues from Counseling and Psychological Services, Natasha Black, Ph.D., Sarika Persaud, Psy.D., and Jessica Ballou, Ph.D., associate director of residential life for substance abuse prevention and mental health, for a virtual chat. They will discuss student stressors caused by academic pressures, explain the resources we have for students, and provide recommendations and strategies for how parents and families can best support their students during this time.

We hope this session will provide useful insight into the mental health resources that Counseling and Psychological Services has for students around finals season, as well as how we can best support our students through their studies as parents and family members.