Urban Devotions, Images of Faith in the City: A Photographic Exhibition by David Gonzalez
Wednesday, April 2, 4 – 6 p.m.
Join the Fordham community to welcome photographer David Gonzalez for an opening reception of his show “Urban Devotions” at Refuge Gallery at the Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs. “Urban Devotions” recently lived at Fordham’s Lipani Gallery and will now be on exhibit until May at the Refuge Gallery, located on the second floor of Canisius Hall.
Refreshments from a local Bronx restaurant will be served. Please register below and invite your colleagues and peers!
About the Show
New York has been a city of faith, whether it’s small devotions in unexpected nooks or bold public declarations of belief. And with a global city reshaped every few generations, traditions offer a familiar and comforting touch, if not hope itself, in every corner of the city if you look. Indeed, as the writer Oscar Hijuelos once said to the artist about New Yorkers who go about their days oblivious to the nuances of faith: “They are like tone-deaf. They hear a piano being played and they only hear ‘thunka-thunk.’ There is this wild jazz going on called religion and some people don’t have the chops.”
About the Artist
David Gonzalez is a journalist at The New York Times. Among other posts, he has been the Times‘ Bronx bureau chief, the “About New York” columnist, and the Central America and Caribbean bureau chief. His coverage has ranged from the Oklahoma City bombing and Haiti’s humanitarian crises to chronicling how the Bronx emerged from years of official neglect and to in-depth reports on how Latino immigration is shaping the United States. In addition to his print reporting, Gonzalez is a photographer and the co-editor of the Times‘ Lens Blog, which has become the premier internet site for photojournalists from around the world.
In 2009, Gonzalez and five fellow photographers—Angel Franco, Joe Conzo Jr., Ricky Flores, Francisco Molina Reyes II, and Edwin Pagán—formed a collective known as Seis del Sur (Six from the South), with the shared goal of documenting the life of the South Bronx that they had all witnessed, particularly from the 1970s through the early 1990s.