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A Postcard Campaign for Dreamers

A University-wide Postcard Campaign in support of the DREAM Act, legislation that would help those who benefited from the repealed Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. A collaborative effort,

Thank-a-Thon Lincoln Center

Lowenstein Plaza 113 West 60th Street, New York

First instituted in the fall semester of 2012, the Thank-a-Thon is an opportunity to increase awareness about the importance of annual support, to express gratitude to consistent donors, and to

33rd Annual Daniel J. Sullivan Lecture

12th-Floor Lounge, Corrigan Conference Center, Lowenstein Center Lincoln Center Campus, 113 W. 60th St., New York

"Attention as a Cultural Problem and the Possibility of Education", a lecture by Matthew Crawford, Senior Fellow, University of Virginia Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture.