In September, four editors of the Fordham Law Review (above, from left: Amanda Shami, Alexandra Sadinsky, Louis Russo, and Matthew Sorensen) met in a third-floor seminar room of the new Fordham Law building to discuss several articles that had been submitted for publication.

This year, the Law Review—one of the most-cited law journals in the country—is celebrating its 100th anniversary by republishing a series of six influential articles. The first is a student comment written in 1978 by Naomi Sheiner, LAW ’78, that formed the basis for enterprise liability in tort law.

“Ms. Sheiner’s work,” the editors write, “illustrates how much a student note can accomplish.”


Ryan Stellabotte is the editor of Fordham Magazine and the senior director of brand storytelling in University Marketing and Communications. He can be reached at 212-636-6537 or