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Joshua Schrier, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES, the Kim B. and Stephen E. Bepler Chair in Chemistry, published a paper in Nature on Sept. 12, “Anthropogenic biases in chemical reaction data hinder exploratory inorganic synthesis.” This work was covered in articles by Nature Editorial, C&E News,, and Chemistry World.

Schrier gave a talk on “Experiment Specification, Capture and Laboratory Automation Technology (ESCALATE)” at the 258th American Chemical Society National Meeting in San Diego on Aug. 26, describing his recent work published in the journal MRS Communications.

He also participated in the “Autonomous Systems for Materials Development Workshop” held at the Singh Center for Nanoscience at the University of Pennsylvania, to develop a report on basic research needs and opportunities for closed-loop autonomous scientific experimentation. An initial report of the findings will be delivered at the Materials Research Society meeting in December 2019.

He also gave a talk on Sept. 16, “Discovering reactions and uncovering mechanisms for solid state synthesis using machine learning,” at Queens College, City University of New York.

Lance Strate, Ph.D., GABELLI, professor of communication and media studies, published a book, Introdução à Ecologia das Midías. It was co-authored by Adriana Braga of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and Paul Levinson, Ph.D., professor of communications and media studies, and was published in Portuguese by Edições Loyola/PUC-Rio.

He also gave the keynote address entitled, “Ethics and the Study of Media as Environments” at the 20th Annual Media Ecology Association Convention at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario in June. He also presented a paper at that meeting entitled, “First Nations of the Book: Understanding Judaism.”

He also published two op-eds in the Jewish Standard, “Going Golem… Or Moving the Letter Around” on June 14 and “Dual Loyalties Don’t Have to Be Divided Loyalties” on Aug. 30.

Harold Takooshian, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES, professor of psychology and urban studies, will be featured in a new series called Retro Report on PBS. His episode, which is about Kitty Genovese and the bystander effect, will air on Oct. 14 on PBS.
