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Kirk A. Bingaman, Ph.D., GRE,
associate professor of pastoral care and counseling, has been named senior editor of Emerging Perspectives In Pastoral Theology and Care, a ten-volume book series with Lexington Books (Rowman and Littlefield). He was also the keynote speaker for the annual meeting of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), Eastern Region, held in Stony Point, NY. His presentation, “Contemplative Practice and Healing: Insights on Neuroplasticity for Pastoral and Spiritual Care,” focused on the emerging field of contemplative neuroscience and the implications for pastoral practice in healthcare and congregational settings.

Joshua Brown, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES,
associate professor of psychology, has published “Promoting Teachers’ Social and Emotional Competence, Well-Being and Classroom Quality” in the Journal of Educational Psychology. He has also been part of a delegation of the American Educational Research Association that recently met with U.S. Congresspersons to advocate education research funding.

Saul Cornell, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES,
Paul and Diane Guenther Chair in American History, was cited in a Florida Supreme Court filing on Florida’s Open Carry Law on March 2, 2017.

Anjali Dayal, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES,
assistant professor of political science, was a panelist on “The Future of International Organization,” hosted by the New York City Bar Association, on March 10, 2017.

Bryan Massingale, S.T.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES,
professor of theology, gave the keynote address, titled “A Conversation on Race and Diversity Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching,” for an event sponsored by the Catholic Schools office of the New York Archdiocese in March 2017.

professor of psychology, has been elected president of the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association.

Magda Teter, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES,
professor of history and Shvidler Chair in Judaic Studies, has received a fellowship at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at New York Public Library for the 2017-2018 year.
