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J. Alan Clark, PhD, A&S,
associate professor of biology, was the keynote speaker at the Southern Connecticut Science and Engineering Fair on Feb. 7.

Martin J. Di Grandi, PhD, A&S,
assistant professor of chemistry, edited and provided content to Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections (Pearson, 2015).

Yi Ding, PhD, GSE,
associate professor of school psychology, published “Chinese teachers’ perceptions of the roles and functions of school psychological service providers in China” in School Psychology International.

Celia B. Fisher, PhD, A&S,
Marie Ward Doty Professor of Psychology, director of the Fordham Center for Ethics Education, and professor of psychology, published “Enhancing the responsible conduct of sexual health prevention research across global and local contexts: Training for evidence-based research ethics” in Ethics & Behavior.

Samir J. Haddad, PhD, A&S,
associate professor of philosophy, contributed the chapter “Friendship” to the book Jacques Derrida: Key Concepts (Routledge, 2015).

Subha Mani, PhD, A&S,
associate professor of economics, published “Only Mine or All Ours: An Artefactual Field Experiment on Procedural Altruism” in World Development, 67.

Dean McKay, PhD, A&S,
professor of psychology, published his book Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Clinical Practice (Guilford, 2015).

Yuko Miki, PhD, A&S,
assistant professor of history, published “Fleeing into Slavery: The Insurgent Geographies of Brazilian Quilombolas (Maroons), 1880-1881” in translation in POLÍTICAS DA RAÇA: Experiências e legados da abolição e da pós-emancipação no Brasil (São Paulo: Selo Negro, 2014).

Francis Petit, EdD, BUS,
associate dean and director of Executive Programs, presented “Creating a Great EMBA Experience Through Co-Curricular Initiatives” at the Executive MBA Northeast/Canada Regional Meeting at NYU Stern on March 3.

Oleksiy Roslyak, PhD, A&S,
assistant professor of physics, published ”Hybrid Graphene — Giant Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Assemblies with Highly Efficient Biexciton Emission” in Adv. Optical Materials and ”Plasmonic Giant Quantum Dots: Hybrid Semiconductor-Metal Nanostructures for Truly Simultaneous Optical Imaging, Photothermal Effect and Thermometry” in Chemical Science.

Paul M.C. Smith, PhD, A&S,
assistant professor of chemistry, published “Structural basis for recognition of intron branchpoint RNA by yeast Msl5 and selective effects of interfacial mutations on splicing of yeast pre-mRNAs” in RNA/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

James E. VanOosting, PhD, BUS,
writer-in-residence and visiting professor of communications and media management, published “Professors Without Borders” in the January/February 2015 issue of BizEd.

Hrishikesh Vinod, PhD, A&S,
professor of economics, has reached the milestone of being cited over 1,000 times by his peers in the scientific community, it was noted in the independent science networking site Research Gate.

Yihui Wang, PhD, BUS,
assistant professor of finance and business economics, published “Short-Term Debt as Bridge Financing: Evidence from the Commercial Paper Market” in the Journal of Finance.

Matthew N. Weinshenker, PhD, A&S,
assistant professor of sociology, published “Employment Hours across the Transition to Fatherhood: The Role of First-Birth Timing” in the Journal of Family Issues, 36.
