t’s not farfetched to say that Fordham is part of Sister Monica Kevin’s DNA. The associate professor emeritus of biology began teaching at Fordham in 1967. She also served as dean of summer session for nearly two decades, as president of the faculty senate, as director of the pre-med and pre-dent programs, and as a member of various University committees (Internal Review Board, faculty salary and benefits committee, tenure review committee….)

Sister Monica is a two-time Bene Merentimedal winner, receiving her 40-year medal from Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham, in 2007.
And Sister Monica is a proud alumna, graduating not once, but three times. She earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics in 1948, a master’s in biology in 1961, and a doctorate degree in 1964 (with a dissertation in cytology/cytogenetics).
She retired from her last position as counselor to retired faculty in June of 2013, but remained connected to the community, living at the Rose Hill apartments and attending university events through mid-April 2014.
On Palm Sunday this past spring, Sister Monica suffered a stroke while attending mass at the University church. She has been living since then with her religious community, the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk in Blue Point, Long Island.
On Sunday, Sept. 21, the Ursuline community is honoring Sister Monica with a special ceremony. The event is open to any and all who knew or worked with her, and members of the Fordham community can contact Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse at x-4746 or visit the Facebook page here for more information.
“She was a very longstanding presence on campus, and we want to reach any retired faculty who may not know,” said Sister Anne-Marie. “The event is her community’s small-scale version of our Fordham Founders day, where we honor longstanding members of our community.”