In class, members of Fordham’s Marketing Society might debate the best strategy for selling a sandwich.

But on the morning of July 16, a dozen members of the group joined advisor Sertan Kabadayi, Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing in the Graduate School of Business Administration, in making and bagging sandwiches for free.

The group, in partnership with Citymeals, the nation’s leading meals-on-wheels organization, spent the morning at the Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Center in Brooklyn, packing and delivering 150 meals to seniors no longer able to shop or cook for themselves.

“This is one of many community service events to come from Fordham Marketing Society, as it aims to connect Fordham G.B.A with the those in need,” Kabadayi said.

—Patrick Verel


Patrick Verel is a news producer for Fordham Now. He can be reached at or (212) 636-7790.