Fordham has enhanced its growing list of media distribution tools with the addition of a YouTube channel dedicated specifically to the University.

The site——features 41 videos, grouped into six categories: lectures; University events; alumni; School of Law; President’s Library; and guest speakers. It will be updated with new material on a weekly basis.

Fordham University’s YouTube channel

The final address by the late Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., which was delivered on April 1, 2008, can be found among the lectures. Also available are:

“Catholicism and Academic Freedom: Authorities in Conflict?” a Loyola Chair lecture given this past April by Stephen Fields, S.J., associate professor of theology at Georgetown;

“Is There Still a Mystery to Mysticism after Modernity?” which was presented last October by Rabbi Alan Brill, Ph.D. (GSAS ’94), the Cooperman/Ross Endowed Professor in Honor of Sister Rose Thering at Seton Hall University.

Commencement is well represented in the events category, which includes remarks by the Hon. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of the City of New York, as well as an address given in 2004 by the late Tim Russert.

Fans of the late Walter Cronkite can watch him be interviewed on Oct. 12, 2006 by Everette Dennis, Ph.D., of the Center for Communications and Media Management at Fordham.

In the President’s Corner, viewers can catch Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham, be interviewed this past April in Washington D.C. after a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI. For Yankees fans, Father McShane’s turn on the mound at Yankee Stadium, as he threw out the first pitch at a game on July 1, is there as well.


Patrick Verel is a news producer for Fordham Now. He can be reached at [email protected] or (212) 636-7790.