Theater major Amirh Vann (FCLC ’02) was awarded a $16,700 scholarship from the Princess Grace Foundation in recognition of her promise and dedication to excellence in the performing arts. Vann, a performance major, has appeared in several Fordham productions, including City of Angels, The House of Bernarda Alba and The Three Sisters. She was one of more than 300 nominees for the awards, which assist in the career development of young performers in the fields of dance, theater and film within the United States. Founded in 1982, the Princess Grace Foundation USA is a not-for-profit, publicly supported corporation that offers grant assistance in the form of scholarships, apprenticeships and fellowships to emerging young artists. Governed by a national board of trustees and comprised of distinguished individuals representing broad-based interest in the arts and business, the foundation has made more than 300 grants in 16 years, awarding more than $2 million in grants from 1984 through 2000. Vann, who plans on applying to graduate theater programs, has also spent time volunteering for Community Works, a Fordham outreach initiative through which theater majors mentor city junior high school and high school students interested in the performing arts.
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