Dear Members of the Fordham Community,
This week I signed the Ignatian Network’s letter: Maintain Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), thus recommitting the University to the principles that have guided Fordham throughout its history. I urge you all to do likewise.
I know that Father McCarthy has already shared the letter with you: I follow up on his message to stress the importance that the University attaches to this issue. Fordham sees and embraces undocumented students as valued and loved members of our community. The University stands with these students, and we will do all we can to be effective advocates for them.
Fordham Seeks Clarification on Status of Undocumented Students
University Statement on the Status of Refugees and Immigrants
Father McShane Joins With University Presidents in Support of Undocumented Students
I do not have to remind you that we live in deeply unsettled times. The rise of hate speech and undisguised hostility toward immigrants and anyone considered other, the horrific drowning of Houston and parts of Louisiana with its attendant loss of life and human suffering (including some families in the University community), and political and cultural divisions that seem to grow deeper by the day, call us urgently to live out the lessons of the Gospel and our Jesuit principles.
We must do what is in our power to aid and protect the most vulnerable among us, at the University, and around the globe. Here, at Fordham, in one of the world’s capital cities, some of us live lives of relative ease and privilege. I call on you to join me in whatever way you can to help heal our society and our world.
You and your loved ones are in my prayers, today and always.
Joseph M. McShane, S.J.