Advent Evenings of Reflection for Fordham Young Alumni

The Office of the Vice President for University Mission and Ministry, and Campus Ministry, invite Fordham’s young alumni to attend with a classmate, meet old friends, catch up with their inner selves and catch up with happenings at Fordham.

Enjoy a pre-dinner social, dinner and post-dinner reflections on “The Meaning of Advent Today.”

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
6 p.m. | O’Keefe Commons, Rose Hill campus
RSVP by Nov. 14: (718) 817-4501
$10 per person

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
5:15 p.m. | Lowenstein 217, Lincoln Center campus
RSVP by Nov. 30: (212) 636-6267
$10 per person
